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Bayard Taylor's novel Joseph and His Friend: A Story of Pennsylvania (1870) was first serialized in The Atlantic. The story is believed to be based on the friendship and attachment of the poets Fitz-Greene Halleck and Joseph Rodman Drake. It has been called America's first gay novel since the late 20th century, with its enigmatic treatment of homosexuality: a political argument for homosexual relationships or an idealization of male spirituality? Argument: Joseph is involved in a train crash while returning from a visit to Julia’s family in the city. He is cared for by a fellow passenger, Philip Held, who is moving to the countryside. Joseph and Philip immediately develop a strong friendship, evidenced in Philip’s profession of love and “a man’s perfect friendship”...


TAYLOR, Bayard. Joseph and His Friend: A Story of Pennsylvania. Montreal: Pierre Turcotte Editor, Library LGBTQ+, 2023, 333 p.

Taylor - Joseph and His Friend: A Story of Pennsylvania

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  • Digital book in EPUB format. Original text in english.

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